Why International ACAC?
International Association for College Admission Counseling is the world’s premier organization for professionals engaged in international college counseling and admissions. Our 4,000+ members represent 138 countries and 1,500+ unique institutions and organizations. Joining International ACAC is the first step to gaining access to our many member benefits.

Membership Benefits
Access to the 4,000+ member directory, including university admissions representatives and college counseling professionals from 135+ countries.
Benefit from the closed Facebook group for members only; ask questions, engage in dialogue, and foster a sense of community.
Expand your career through professional development.
Attend and access previous webinars led by university admissions and college counseling experts from around the world.
Benefit from continued advocacy, resources, and support for every member.
Member grant programs offer financial resources directly to members in order to access professional development opportunities or create projects in their own communities.
Programs such as the Mentor Year Program and the Scholar Program offer personalized professional mentorship and development opportunities.
Conference bursaries are funds set aside for members to receive financial support to attend the Annual Conference.