International ACAC is a volunteer-led organization. The Executive Board and Committees make up the primary functions of the organization. There are also full-time staff members and contractors who help facilitate all the action. Read more about each of these teams below.
2024-2025 International ACAC Executive Board
Presidential Team
Liam McCartney
Boston University United States
Presidential Term Expires |
Wilson Lee
Singapore American School Singapore Presidential Term Expires |
Immediate Past President
Michelle Chow-Liu
Western Academy of Beijing
China Presidential Term Expires |
Board Members
Vice President for Admissions/Enrollment Practices
Ruby Bhattacharya
Barnard College, New York
United States Term expires: July 2025 |
Vice President for Advocacy and Outreach
Daniel Marschner |
Vice President for Communications Luke Devlin Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong China Term expires: July 2025 |
Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Aileen Lee Canadian International School of Hong Kong Hong Term expires: July 2027 |
Vice President for Finance Shilpa Gupta UWC South East Asia, Dover Campus Singapore Term expires: July 2025 |
Vice President for Inclusion, Access and Success Joyce Agyare Joyce Agyare (IEC) Ghana Term expires: July 2026 |
Vice President for Membership Kim Tulloch Wynn York House School Canada Term expires: July 2026 |
Co-Vice President for Membership Craig Brown Vancouver Island University Canada Term expires: July 2025 |
Vice President for Professional Development Marsha Oshima International School of Geneva/Ecolint Switzerland Term expires: July 2025 |
Representative to the Executive Board Megan Mankerian-Stem |
Representative to the Executive Board Christina McDade |
Representative to the Executive Board Andrew Palmer |
Representative to the Executive Board Sonia Soni |
*Click on the photos of board members to view their public ballot profiles at the time of their election
International ACAC officers begin their terms on July 1 and continue to serve for one, two or three years. Board service provides a wonderful professional development experience and an opportunity to share your experience and leadership skills with others.
Executive Board Nominations
The International ACAC Executive Board is responsible for the day to day running of the association and plays a vital role in shaping it for the future. It’s a great way to get involved in the profession and work with colleagues from around the world. A call for applications for new board members is made in December each year. Applicants are reviewed by the Governance and Nominating Committee in order to develop the slate of candidates and elections follow shortly thereafter (typically in early March). New officers begin their terms on July 1.
For more information about the membership requirements and duties of each board position, please review the International ACAC Policies and Procedures and Bylaws.
2024-2025 International ACAC Committees
While much of the work of International ACAC is carried out by members of the Executive Board, there are nine standing committees that also do work for the association. Volunteering to serve on one of them is a great way to get involved!
- Committee terms begin on July 1 and end on July 30 of the third year.
- Applications for committee service open annually in December for the following year.
- Committee members are selected by the appropriate Vice President and approved by the Executive Board.
Interested in Joining a Committee?
Watch the Member Engagement Webinar from December 2024 to learn more about volunteering on a Committee.
International ACAC Staff
Executive Director Erin Garcia |
Associate Director Margaret Andrade |
Program Manager Jessica Bishop
Special Programs Coordinator Lisa Hollett |